Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Concert Poster

This project was a challenge for me because it took a lot of creative ideas and design elements to make it come together. I chose these artists because they are some of my favorites, especially Mariah Carey during the Christmastime. I chose to do Christmas Eve because I like it a lot better compared to New Year's Eve. Overall, this project was very time consuming but fun.

1 comment:

  1. Jen you did a really nice job. There is so much design element coming through which is what I was really looking for. You worked hard to get it just right and there is nice depth with the snowflake layer, imagery, etc. You experimented a ton with your color choices and that really worked out for you. The audience will look at the reds throughout the composition and this will draw their eye around the page. I think the one thing that I want you to push more is your type design. You sort of only have level 2 and 3 type here. I would have liked to see something jump out at me as level 1 text and that is your opportunity to manipulate the text and push creativity just like on your "power pills" title. That was subtle but very effective. Nice job! Keep it up!

    Technical Skill-Proficient
    Effort/Habits of work-Advanced
    Reflection-Developing (please tell me about the choices you made and why)
    Overall Design-Proficient
