Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Concert Poster

This project was a challenge for me because it took a lot of creative ideas and design elements to make it come together. I chose these artists because they are some of my favorites, especially Mariah Carey during the Christmastime. I chose to do Christmas Eve because I like it a lot better compared to New Year's Eve. Overall, this project was very time consuming but fun.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Candy Box

This is my candy box that I created. The hardest thing about this project for me was creating the character and the pow, wham, and the bang. Also, another hard thing for me was coming up with a concept. The easiest thing about this project for me was choosing the color scheme and creating the super powers. For this project, I learnt how to use the effects tool and to make my words look better. This project took a long time, but is probably one of my favorites!