Monday, September 26, 2016

Self Portrait

I chose the ocean background because I am an Aquarius. I put paw prints on the J because I love animals. I have two cats, a dog, and fish. I work at Stop and Shop and that is their logo. I love to bake, so I made the letter M out of pink frosting and I made a slice of Pumpkin Pie fit in the gap of the letter. I put a cruiser bicycle on top of the M because I love to ride my pink cruiser bike around my neighborhood. The letter D is made out of colorful puzzle pieces because I am Autistic. I feel like it is who I am and I'm not afraid of telling people. The Garnet in the middle of the D is my birthstone. The fish in the water are the kinds of fish that I own. The easiest thing for this project for me was coming up with a design idea. The hardest thing for this project for me was figuring out the how the tools worked.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer this is one of my favorite self collages yet not only because you did such a creative job with the composition but also because you described yourself so well in the reflection. This actually shows that you have a great handle on the basic photoshop tools because you only asked for my help on a few small issues. You are very strong in a short period of time. I can't wait to see what you come up with creatively this year.

    Using the negative space was very creative and you have nice contrast throughout. The one tough area to see is the garnet but that could be fixed through a bit of a drop shadow. Also we could blend the fish into the water a bit more or make them look like they are splashing out.
