Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2016 Design Trends


I love this type of design trend because even though the colors are grey and dull, it is still a beautiful piece. The movement gives the picture life. The picture also shows a lot of different textures to make the bear seem real to the viewer.

Geometric Shapes

I love this design trend because there are so many different hues and textures going on. With this design you can be very creative with how you want your piece to look. I also love how they have a 3D effect.

Whimsical Illustrations

I love this design trend because the doodles are a nice design element to add character to anything. I also love this design trend because you can add all sorts of different textures such as sketch lines and brushstrokes. You can also add many different colors to the piece.

In Graphic Arts this year, I would like to do more hands on projects that I can design and build because I like doing those kind of things. I would also like to learn more about Photoshop because I've always found it interesting. My hobbies are doing arts and crafts, riding my bike, listening to music, baking, and playing with my animals.

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