Monday, March 27, 2017

Low Poly Project

This is my low poly design. I chose a parrot because I knew that I could show movement and I knew that parrots are already very colorful and bright. This project wasn't hard per say, but it was very time consuming to make. This was a fun project to make.

Cape Cod Landscape

This is my Cape Cod Landscape project. I got assigned this project specifically to me to create Cape Cod. The easiest thing about this project was making the whale tail, the sailboat, the lobster, and the houses. The hardest thing about this project was making all of the other items in the picture, especially the Cape Cod Central Railroad Train. The train itself took about a week. I think that this is my favorite project so far because I feel that I did a really good job on it and it is going into the auction as an auction piece.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Restaurant Menu

This is my finished restaurant menu design. I went for a more traditional feel so that it would match the logo, but I made sure that the logo didn't blend in. I added a marble texture to the menu to make it look like old paper which I thought was cool. The easiest thing about this project was coming up with an idea and bring creative with it. The hardest thing about this project was the textured background and figuring out the alignment and centering everything.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Samplers Logo

This is my design for my restaurant logo. I chose to go with a more traditional feel my using dark wood and old parchment paper. The easiest thing about designing this logo was coming up with my design concept because I understood what my client wanted for a logo. The hardest thing about designing the logo was figuring out the layout of the logo and trying to figure out what fonts look good and what the client likes.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Concert Poster

This project was a challenge for me because it took a lot of creative ideas and design elements to make it come together. I chose these artists because they are some of my favorites, especially Mariah Carey during the Christmastime. I chose to do Christmas Eve because I like it a lot better compared to New Year's Eve. Overall, this project was very time consuming but fun.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Candy Box

This is my candy box that I created. The hardest thing about this project for me was creating the character and the pow, wham, and the bang. Also, another hard thing for me was coming up with a concept. The easiest thing about this project for me was choosing the color scheme and creating the super powers. For this project, I learnt how to use the effects tool and to make my words look better. This project took a long time, but is probably one of my favorites!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Type Hierarchy Article

This article talks about the three levels of type hierarchy; headlines, subheads, and text. The headline is usually the biggest text and contains the most important information, the subhead helps organize your design into sections or group relative information together, and the text is usually the smallest size and is generally the meat of the design. There are seven ways to visually organize your design. Adjust your font sizes, choose a couple of contrasting typefaces, experiment with different styles and weights, add some color, pay attention to spacing, pay attention to proximity, and play with the orientation of the text.

The wording that will be included in my concert poster design:
Christmas Eve Celebration
T.D. Garden - Boston, MA
Date: Saturday, Decemeber 24, 2016
Time: 8:00pm
Artists: Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey, and DNCE
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