Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Type Hierarchy Article

This article talks about the three levels of type hierarchy; headlines, subheads, and text. The headline is usually the biggest text and contains the most important information, the subhead helps organize your design into sections or group relative information together, and the text is usually the smallest size and is generally the meat of the design. There are seven ways to visually organize your design. Adjust your font sizes, choose a couple of contrasting typefaces, experiment with different styles and weights, add some color, pay attention to spacing, pay attention to proximity, and play with the orientation of the text.

The wording that will be included in my concert poster design:
Christmas Eve Celebration
T.D. Garden - Boston, MA
Date: Saturday, Decemeber 24, 2016
Time: 8:00pm
Artists: Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey, and DNCE
Sponsored by Toys for Tots

Monday, November 21, 2016

Candy Box Title

This is the title for my candy box project. The easiest thing about creating this was putting the effects on and choosing the colors. The hardest thing was choosing what font to use and figuring out some of the tools.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Candy Box Character

This is my character for my candy box. His name is Pablo the Power Pill. He is the leader of all of the power pills and has all of their powers combined. I created him to look like a pill, but to also look like a cartoon character. The hardest thing about creating him was trying not to use black outlines. The easiest thing about creating him was coloring and shading him.